{Blogger's note: No time to write but here are my notes if anyone is interested.)
If it's true, as Frank Zappa insisted, that government is the entertainment wing of the military industrial complex, then media is its marketing apparatus. What we are seeing on cable news broadcast is a carefully staged passion play whose goal is to...
been going on for months, no coverage
mubarak's supporters fired shots indiscriminately into crowdbut only killed 1 person. these guys not very good shots
anderson 'vanderbilt' cooper punched ten times in head but unmarked- not good boxers either
"coop'" broadcasting from hotel room [apologizes for it] says been told to keep down and keep lights off. he says this with key and flood light trained on him.
john king says egyptians trust the army. army is the fulcrum of the protests. mubarak is the army. incredible lie! even if king is ignorant and utterly vapid, he has research people who could tell him how ridiculous that is. he was ordered to make this point ands he did. and in preparation for a possible military clampdown. media saying army acting as 'peacemakers.'
american woman tourist played on loop saying they cant get out. planes arrive to take them out but who got off those planes in cairo?
prez barak obusha finally says he supports rebels
american 'antiterror' Marines arrive, violence/terror ensues the next morning
pro-mubarak people immediately described as goons, thugs, paid provocateuers. no doubt they r, but r working for washington and were probably trained by people from the school of the americas etc.
el baradei described as 'opposition leader' then 'the opposition leader.' nobody save perhaps the WAFD accepts him. nobody gets to head IAEA if he's not kosher to capital. muslim brotherhood, the communists, and tarammu [labor party] hate him.
launching the pentagon's trial balloon, vanderbilt asks him if he'd consider running for prez. he says only if it were a fair election. who wants to run as an opposition candidate in an unfair election? this was obviously scripted
mubarak's speech a fraud, he knows he's going but washington hopes that if mubarak resists the protesters might b sated when mubarak does go. there's a chance in a trilion that mubarak is resisting...
nile tv broadcaster interviewed after she allegedly resigns in protest of 'intimidation.' her picture is posted on screen, she's strikingly, exquisitely beautiful--straight from central casting.
news a political product.
meanwhile, tunisian rev being subverted out of public focus.
wikileaks says washington acting clandestinely with opposition groups for years to bring down mubarak. this or king's lie the biggest.
new contender for biggest lie: from fox news, john bolton, responding to question about whether egyptian people will accept veep sulaiman if mu' steps down, 'we donno know really know what the egyptians want, we dont have sufficient polling data.'
dont know what egyptians want?????????????????? a million people gather to ask for regime change and bolton says...
cnn ticker rep0orts 2000 americans have 'fled' egypt. then, a minute later, the ticker says 'americans being beaten in streets of cairo.' heavy spin mode in preparation for possible american intervention.
sulaiman top guy in egyptian espionage underworld. he ran the extraordinary rendition program with torturers reporting directly to him, and he reported directly to washington.
msnbc's 'the ed show' reports white house in negotiations to get rid of mu' and replace him with torturer sulaiman. [story about sulaiman: