Many demonstrators voiced calls for a "second revolution," expressing widespread sentiment that the revolution that brought down Mubarak has not resulted in any fundamental improvement in the conditions of life for the masses of working people, small farmers and agricultural laborers.
The problem with the MB is that most of them work for Western intelligence, and the rest really are Islamic theocrats.
The Muslim Brotherhood adopted a low profile during the movement to bring down Mubarak, with only its youth organization taking an active role in the struggle. Before Friday's protest, however, the Islamist group openly declared its opposition to the demonstrators in a well-publicized statement that criticized "communists and secularists."
The group declared itself "very concerned" by the protest, asking, "Who are the people angry with now?" The statement continued by declaring that the call to protest can "only mean that the anger is directed at the people themselves or at the army." A Muslim Brotherhood spokesman told Al Jazeera that the group opposed the replacement of the ruling SCAF with a civilian council.