If you say that there are Zionist elements within the Jewish community who see it as their duty to their faith/race to infiltrate Western governments with an eye to directing their policies in a pro-Israel direction, you will immediately be denounced as an anti-Semite, despite the obvious veracity of the claim. Well in the story linked below you will get confirmation straight from the horse's mouth.
I want to be clear here: There are those who believe that Jews rule the world, and dominate the US and other nations, that Zion is boss. I am not one of them. For the handful of elite international uberrich capitalists who own the planet, some of them Jewish, Zionists are nothing more than useful pawns whose interests, at least at the moment, cleave nicely with those of the plutocracy. And as long as that is the case, the Chuck Schumers of the world will have Senate seats. I will point out that in the late 19th century when Herzl (father of modern Zionism) went around door to door putting his idea before Western governments and heads of the largest banking houses he got stiff-armed, even by the Rothschilds. It wasn't until after 1905 when oil was discovered in the Mideast that Zionism found support among the elite powers.
Since any criticism of Israel and/or Zionists, no matter how valid, will elicit the charge of anti-Semitism, and hence the critic will thus be lumped with real anti-Semites of the vulgar type who say the ugliest things about our Jewish brothers and sisters, I wish to point out that not all Jews are Zionists. And that the ones who are are no more parochial or xenophobic than the reactionary elements in other ethnicities.