Now, in my opinion both figures are likely to be wrong. Certainly my figure is a large underestimate. But taking them at face value Anglo Irish would account for one 5000th of the total assets being managed by all the bond holders. So would even a total default by Anglo Irish cause that much, let alone systemic, pain and risk? Why are the 'Bond holders' and the Irish government so concerned that the Irish people be forced to take the loss and pay the debts for them?
Now lets look at the other side of the equation, at Ireland itself. Well Ireland's GDP before the crash, in 2008, was ... drum roll please... €207 billion. Or 0.207 trillion.
SO.... on one side we have Ireland whose bond holders, its people, have between them a total GDP wealth of 0.207 trillion euros. Who are being FORCED, against their will, to pay Anglo Irish bank's debts to its bond holders, who between them hold 20.8 Trillion euros. The people of Ireland are paying to, and protecting the wealth and power of, people who have 100 times more wealth!
There's a word for this--plutocracy.
Who's "they"? Introducing Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, here for his cameo. He owns you. An exhaustive list of the businesses his family owns outright or in large part would be entirely too long for our purposes, but in the States they would include JPMC, US Steel, and our Federal Reserve Bank. They also own BP, whose "product" continues to wash up onto our southern shores.
Seeing the Godfather of the real mafia, il Capo dei tutti capi, being interviewed on television, however deferentially, is a rare spectacle. This farce takes place while the bailout was being debated in the Senate, in other words, in mid-scam. His presence in this venue is more instructive than any of the banalities he utters. Even a Rothschild will join the marketing effort when trillions are to be had.
Please note the selfless determination with which the interviewer repeatedly wedges his obsequious tongue ever so affectionately up Sir Evelyn's ass, even after he bolted the studio. Rothschilds don't wait, after all.!+Mail