This article is instructive in many ways. The criminality it exposes is all too typical, capitalism is gangsterism, it's larceny disguised as democracy. So nothing new there, but what this piece does reveal is the global dominance of capital, and the specious nature of the information we receive from the bourgeoisie's media and governments.
Reading the global press one would be led to believe that Mugabe has run afoul of the West. Various US and UK heads of state have issued unusually sharp denunciations of his heavy-handedness. But this is all for public consumption as Mugabe is protecting those diamond fields and keeping the revenues which they produce flowing to the global oligarchs. Mugabe the rebel of popular perception? Hardly! Those diamonds are owned by the same people who own the big banks and big pharma and big oil etc., and Mugabe is their chief security guard in Zimbabwe. No doubt the dictator is well compensated by the plutocrats whom he pretends to detest, and who pretend to loathe him.
And the Beijing bourgeoisie? They are part of the loop now too. All of these Chinese companies are owned in part by the Chinese Investment Bank. It in turn is owned in part by guess who. If you are thinking it's the same people who own those diamonds then give yourself a pat on the back.
So as long as capitalism prevails mwanangu tichiri musango. Yes, we are all still in the bush.