Frederick Douglass

"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them..." Frederick Douglass

Saturday, July 2, 2011

"I'll Pay One Half Of The Work Class To Shoot The Other Half."

The critical moment in any revolt is when the organs of state power, the police, army, intelligence services etc., are ordered to fire upon the rebels. More often than not they do, but when the demands of the protesters are popular, and when they are numerous enough that when the police, always working class people themselves, look upon the people they are ordered to kill and see friends, relatives, old classmates etc. sometimes they refuse to comply.

So far at least, the Greek police have, most foolishly, remained loyal to the state.

But as more images like these emerge, it is bound to create dissension in the state ranks.

So as the "forces of order" fight the people of Greece on behalf of international capital, eventually something must give. Usually, it's the protesters who give up or are overcome. But, as in every rebellion, there's a chance of police defection. And so far the protesters have shown no sign of giving up..

And at times appear to be winning, occasionally giving state terror a dose of its own medicine can do wonders for revolutionary esprit de corp.

So as the people of Greece roil their ancient streets to free themselves from the ravages of capitalism, will the forces of the criminal order break ranks with the plutocracy as has happened in every successful revolution in history, or was American industrialist scamster Jay Gould correct when he said that the working class can always be bought to turn against itself? The odds are always with the state, they hold all the power and have a monopoly on force, that's what states are for, but the longer this goes on, the harder it will be to retain the loyalty of the police.