Again according to the official narrative: This was the work of a rogue Army weapons researcher, Bruce Ivins, who feared that his research with the drug was about to be defunded, and undertook the terror campaign to save his weapons program.
When the investigation closed in on him, Ivins committed suicide.
(Yes, really! You can't make this shit up. Only rogue government can.)
Two of the letters were addressed to US Senators Tom Daschle and Pat Leahy, then obstructing the so-called Patriot Act. Whoever sent these letters knew that staffers routinely handle office mail, and that neither man would be killed. In fact no consignee died save for the editor of the magazine who published photos the arrest for drunk driving of one of the Bush daughters. (An odd target for jihadis.)
As you may have guessed, I don't believe this garbage for a minute. Here this article's author shows that the government has been lying about the incident for years:
Paul Kemp, Ivins’ lead defense attorney, said Monday that the department’s concession that the equipment wasn’t available “is at direct variance to the assertions of the government on July 29, 2008,” the day Ivins died, thus “invalidating one of the chief theories of their prosecution case.”
What is remarkable about this anthrax affair is the government's cover story. They admitted from day one that the deadly powder was American in origin--an astoundingly candid disclosure, given that such biological weapons programs are in contravention of the international agreement to which the US is signatory. That the terror attacks were perpetrated by a "rogue" researcher then had to follow or the Army would be acknowledging that it couldn't maintain control over its anthrax supply.
I suppose there is a chance, however remote, that he did kill himself when he realized that he was being sacrificed. What is clear is that a careful examination of these events in their chronology leads only to Ivins' innocence. He had neither means nor opportunity, and the motive on offer is a real howler. What evidence there was against him was risibly dubious, and has since been discredited, and his accusers within the government have been exposed as liars.
Like Dr David Kelly in Britain, Bruce Ivins was killed, directly or indirectly, by his own country in its campaign to conquer Iraq.