JFK once said that there are three things for which this country should rightly be ashamed: the treatment of the indigenous American, The African American, and the immigrant American. He missed one: the American servicemen.
This ugly history goes back to the Revolution, and continues to this day. After every conflict, every one, this country has broken its promises to its warriors, denied them benefits, and occasionally refused to pay them. On one particularly despicable occasion, it has even opened fire on them. This latest attack upon them is nothing new.
Just for the record, I am not buying into the Elizabeth Warren charade. A naive few believe that she is the anti-bankster messiah who will deliver America from plutocracy. They should take a closer look.
Every election cycle the oligarchy creates a countercandidate (last time it was Obama) to soak up all the angst and be the repository for those who aspire to change. If there is enough discontent the "people's choice" gets swept into office by public acclaim. Slowly but surely the public then comes to realize that their champion was no reformer at all. Warren is Wall Street through and through, she is this year's model.