This is political theater folks. Wikileaks is an American intelligence operation and has been from day one. The former [?] White supremacist Assange was behind the bogus climategate e-mails, has made a "deal" with Israel not to release any info' harmful to its interests, and his releases always seem to cleave nicely with US foreign policy.
Do you believe that the US government cannot prevent the publication of its documents on a specific website when the release is announced weeks in advance? If so, see a doctor. I hate to break the news, as I know this charlatan is a hero to many, but Wiki is a psy-op. Get over it.
In order to protect its agent and operation, it's concocted this smokescreen about Assange's rival being responsible for the destruction of the BofA documents (if Wiki ever had them in the first place). There is not a word of truth in the following article.
And in case we have forgotten, Assange took credit for the Tunisian Revolution even though his leak exposing Ben Ali's corruption was released two days after he had fled the country.
In a moment of obscene megalomania, he also took credit for the Egyptian Revolution. An event over which he exerted no influence. Follow the link to the execrable video.