PBS is the government, and ProPublica are "former" Wall Street Journal folks. Their piece with McClatchy reads that way.
It would take much too long to rehash the case against Ivins, but it suffices to say that a much better case for his innocence can be made than is attempted here. This article is full of defamatory inanities camouflaged as neutrality:
“I don’t know how it would have been possible to convict him," said Fraser-Liggett, the director of the University of Maryland’s Institute for Genome Sciences. “Should he have had access to a potential bio-weapon, given everything that’s come to light? I’d say no. Was he just totally off the wall, from everything I’ve seen and read? I’d say yes.
“But that doesn’t mean someone is a cold-blooded killer."
With advocates like Fraser-Liggett, Ivins doesn't need accusers.
Ivins ran a lab involved in highly secretive WMD research on behalf of the Pentagon. And he was there for decades! What are the chances he's the freak they describe.
Ivins is obviously innocent. If interested you should watch this, read this, and rummage around here.
The worst offense by the authors of this propaganda is that they state that Ivins committed suicide as though it were fact. It is clear that they are defaulted in the direction of accepting whatever the government says as true, and only questioning it when overwhelmed by contradictory evidence. This should never be confused with journalism.
This piece is doing damage control on behalf of the real anthrax killers by keeping the increasingly unbelievable theory that Ivins is responsible alive. It is crystal clear to me that like Lee Harvey Oswald, Ivins was a loyal servant of the empire who was sacrificed.