The Schmidle Muddle of the Osama Bin Laden Take Down
No this article doesn't prove that OBL wasn't killed last May, but it's a fine example of the journaganda on the subject. Schmidle is obviously full of bullsugar.According to Fair, the woman who helped him get into Pakistan is an anti-American polemicist and an ISI operative. That one person is both (assuming each is true) is highly instructive, as is that she helped an American intelligence operative (if that's what he is) enter the country. Particularly when we consider that Schmidle's father is a high-ranking spook.
And the next logical question is who is Fair. She refers to the polemicist as "anti-American" (Thank you, Senator): she writes for the WSJ and WaPo; and the questions she poses about Schmidle are just as appropriately directed at her.
It's quite common for the Agency to have two of its shills stage a public dick fight, with the one taking the contrary position eventually being defeated thus legitimizing the official story. I don't know if this is the case, but clearly Schmidle lied his ass off, and the once great New Yorker obviously doesn't care. Liebling is rolling in his grave.